It was National Postal Workers' Day last week and Nik had created a poster for the kids to colour in and leave on our door for our postman. We taped them up (despite Priya's concern about the rain) and went to school/work for the day (also a key worker here). We got home excited to see if he'd taken them but not only were they still there, we had NO MAIL! He hadn't even been so wouldn't have seen them. They were now slightly soggy (P was right to be worried) so we took them in to dry and put them up again the next day.

This time we were home (I only work part time) so when he came we shouted through the window to make sure he saw them and said he could keep them. He was delighted and said he'd put them up in his office and was happy for me to take a photo. He asked the twins through the window who did which one and looked genuinely chuffed! We're so grateful to still be able to send and receive things like gifts, craft orders, birthday cards and other "vital" mail (bills, eurgh) during the pandemic, I know the postal service is working really hard! The next time we saw him he said we'd made him famous - apparently his photo is on Royal Mail TV all over the country!

Of course, we cheer for our NHS workers every Thursday too. The kids get to stay up late and love seeing our neighbours running around their gardens with whistles and bashing pots & pans while cheering, I think they put extra effort in knowing Nik is a doctor. (I'm pretty sure people are not thinking of NHS dentists when they're clapping and cheering, folk generally hate us, lol!)

Another set of key workers I want to give a shout out to is our local Tesco team. I've been once every week or two, when Nik gets home from work and find it so organised and well stocked bar the odd item (flour, sometimes eggs and a few other more minor things). In the evening I've never had to queue and everyone seems very respectful of the new rules and keeping their distance.

There are also some local independent shops I've also managed to support such as the fruit & veg stall in Lewes High Street as well as the fishmonger and the butcher in The Riverside. I work in Lewes two days/week so can pop in there at lunchtime and today found the produce stall outside in the sun too so I stocked up with some lamb for a biriyani this weekend and some fresh fish, limes and coriander to make ceviche tonight (I made it a couple of weeks ago with fish from here and it was AMAZING), I'll share the recipe soon!

I've also written about some other local businesses keeping us going with the odd takeaway treat (The Hurstwood) or food supplies (Oast Farm Buxted) here: