I'd heard of the Community Fridge in Uckfield but I wasn't really sure what it was or who it was for until recently. Turns out, it's for everyone!
"We aim to reduce food waste and redistribute surplus food in Uckfield whilst bringing people together and connecting them with their community. Everyone can give and everyone can receive. So lets get sharing and make Uckfield the tastiest place to live!"
What a brilliant idea and a great asset for the people of Uckfield!
I went along with Valerie (Damson Pre-loved) on Friday after the Uckfield Chamber of Commerce breakfast meeting at The Picture House Restaurant with a donation of pastries that were leftover.

The volunteers manning the fridge, housed inside a shipping container, are so friendly and welcoming and eager to tell you everything they have available so that nothing gets wasted.
They receive donations from many local supermarkets and businesses including Tesco, Co-op and Waitrose and they recently acquired a freezer to help keep more things fresh for longer and widen the range they are able to keep and offer.

While we were there we picked up a few bits, Valerie took home some ingredients for a curry and I grabbed some veg for a roast, Padron peppers they recommended and some delicious looking Clementines!
I couldn't resist photographing them with their crisp green leaves, they were so vibrant!

Have you used the community fridge yet? I know where we'll be donating any food we can't use, e.g. when we clear out our fridge before a holiday! It's such a great way to avoid waste whilst helping others.
Check out all of our lovely vegetables which would have been wasted if not for the Community Fridge...