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This Detailed Life - THE MAGAZINE!

Writer's picture: Bex MainiBex Maini

I've been working on a rather exciting project in secret. I wanted to make sure I can do it justice and create something people will love. I think I'm getting there!

This Detailed Life magazine cover mock-up
Cover mock-up

I have been missing Dear Photographer magazine since it sadly closed last year, so I decided to create my own publication with a similar approach - lots of gorgeous photos taking the limelight with a different theme for each issue.

I've recruited some talented souls to help me get this off the ground, touched base with Adri de la Cruz (DP's founder) and made sure those lovely and very busy Phlock ladies didn't have a mag in the pipeline. It seems I'm not stepping on any toes and I have everyone's support so here goes! This Detailed Life magazine is born.

Up until now This Detailed Life has been my Instagram hub to share detail photos. It's not just about close-up details. To me and others it has always been about capturing the details of life in the sense of the moments that happen; the emotions, the stories, etc.... and that's what I want to bring to the magazine.

TDL magazine is a professional photography magazine to showcase artwork by photographers around the world, to educate and inform, and above all to inspire.

The first theme will be Quarantine. We want to share all of the amazing art that photographers have been creating during lockdown. We've selected a few simple categories to break things down and to guide submissions. I've created some mock-ups of how it might look - this could all change but it gives an idea of what we're trying to do with this. It will be available to buy in print, hopefully in June but we'll see how many submissions we end up with as it may take time to collate everything :)

Want to be published? Send us your images now!!! We're looking for photos to feature in each of the categories as well as article proposals. See the details below on all our categories and regular features and send us what you've been working on during the last couple of months. We want to see your projects, your lockdown life, what you've been baking, how you're dealing with isolation, anything creative you've been trying out in your downtime.... share away and don't be shy!

Each issue will have a gallery for every category with featured artists being credited of course. There will be an artist index at the back so you can find your favourite photographers easily.

Regular categories will be:

DETAILS - the details that tell the story.

PROJECTS - whatever you're working on - 365, self portraits, project 52, anything - send us five images and a brief outline and we might feature one or all of your images.

LIGHT RELIEF - your funnies. Anything goes, whatever tickled you when you snapped an image whether it was on purpose or a happy and hilarious accident. Make us giggle!

This issue's categories are:

THE KITCHEN - where many of us have retreated to create something other than photos - show us what you've been cooking, the action, the ingredients, the final product or just everyone hanging out in the heart of the home.

NATURE WALKS - if you've been out exploring nature and capturing what you see/feel, show us!

RAINBOWS - Show us your rainbow windows or any other rainbows you've been creating to cheer up yourselves and your neighbours and spread messages of hope. (I am most excited for this one for obvious reasons!)

LIFE INDOORS - how has this looked for you? Is everything a mess or have you got creative with your home too?

CREATIVITY - have you been inspired to try something new? Show us your imaginative creations - composites, fun recreations of iconic art, any arty farty stuff. We want to see!

EVERYDAY HEROES - have you documented any of our everyday heroes keeping the world running? Postmen, doctors, supermarket workers...

LOCKDOWN LEARNING - you or the kids - what have you been learning and how? Zoom lessons, new hobbies, have you got kids and found yourself suddenly being teacher, anyone else want to quit?? Just me??

FEELINGS - Show us your feelings throughout this time, have you enjoyed the time at home with loved ones, felt trapped, been depressed? All of the above?! Self portraits or any other way you expressed your feelings or captured your family’s feelings in your work, send them our way.

We'd also love some feature articles, tell us about your experience of Quarantine, has it sparked your creativity, has your photography helped you cope, have you learned any new techniques or have you found it difficult, have you felt pressure to create and not even picked up your camera, how have you been protecting your business, do you have a "How To" tutorial...?

Of course, make sure you own copyright of anything you send us and have permission from those in your photos for us to publish them. If we select any of your images to be published, we will be in touch in the next few weeks to request further details and the high resolution file(s).

Edited to add: PLEASE make sure you rename your files as per the instructions in the graphic above: "Max 2 images per category (5 for an article or project), Sized 1000 pix longest edge, max 2Mb. Name images with the category and your name, eg: Kitchen_BexMaini_01"

I'm receiving lots of files which haven't been named correctly so will end up being discarded. All files are being pooled for the selection process and we won't know who to contact if your name isn't in the file title.



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