Oast Farm in Buxted is a regular haunt of ours and we love their PYO options in the summer and autumn. Although they no longer do the popular strawberries, there are still plenty of fruits you can pick yourself and enjoy taking the kids to join in. We were so glad they were able to open up the orchards in time for cherry season as the Covid-19 lockdown eased off in England. It was easy to socially distance outdoors and we spent a couple of happy mornings picking the most delicious cherries in two varieties with the twins!

I took them on my own the first time, having checked they'd be able to reach the cherries without me having to lift them. We were amazed just how many cherries are clustered on a branch, they almost looked like bunches of grapes! We soon filled our basket even without me picking much (as usual, I was busy taking photos).

You can see what we did with them all (well, the ones we didn't scoff as soon as we got home!) in my recipe post here.
The second time we went with Daddy but the cherries were almost done, many having been eaten by wasps and starting to turn (it was the last day for cherry picking), but we managed to fill a basket again then moved on to the plums which I believe are still going.

It was a pretty hot day so Bob kindly offered to drop us off in his buggy and gave us a quick tour of the farm en route :)

Both times we stopped in at the cafe (outdoor seating only for now) for a treat or lunch before making our way home. They are running a limited menu with some lovely new Flint Owl bakery rolls available! Entertainment: author's own crazy twins!